Integrity Commissioner Gives Untimely Advice to Council
On September 24, 2024, I am making a deputation to Council regarding Integrity Commission Robert Swayze’s report of his investigation of Code of Conduct complaints from four members of Council. I will be summarizing the Commissioner’s findings – and sharing my concern that his advice to Council can only serve to discourage members even more…
Articles on the Calls to Action
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Gives Municipalities the Opportunity to Defy their Status as “Creatures of the Province” City of Ottawa Reconciliation Plan How many of the TRC Calls to Action are complete? Don’t ask the federal government. New council to monitor government progress on meeting TRC’s calls to action An Act to provide for…
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Website: https://fcm.ca News Municipal leaders call for action on Canada’s residential schools legacy Guides Pathways to Reconciliation Resources First Nation-Municipal Financial Resources CEDI Graduates: Enoch Cree Nation and the City of Edmonton CEDI Graduates: Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation and the Municipality of the County of Antigonish Stronger Together: A Toolkit for First Nations-Municipal Community Economic Development…
Picton BESS public meeting 2022-12-06
On December 6, 2022, Picton BESS held a public meeting to discuss its proposal to install a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in Prince Edward County. The Picton Gazette and The Times have reported on the meeting. We now have Picton BESS’s presentation and minutes of the meeting. We hope to have their videorecording of…
Strategic voting in Picton, Bloomfield-Hallowell & Ameliasburgh
Voting Day in Prince Edward County’s municipal election is less than one week away. As in the 2018 municipal election, voters in Picton, Bloomfield/Hallowell, and Ameliasburgh elect more than one Councilor to office – being eligible to cast a number of votes equal to the number of elected Councilors in their Ward: Table 1. Offices…
Voter turnout in the County
According to County figures, fewer than half of eligible voters turned out in the previous three municipal elections: Table 1. Voter turnout in previous municipal elections in the County. Election Eligible voters Votes cast Voter turnout October 2010 22,403 10,614 47.4% October 2014 22,006 9,637 43.8% October 2018 23,164 10,032 43.3% In the October 2018…
Official List As of August 22, 2022, the official list of certified candidates for municipal office in Prince Edward County includes ( * denotes incumbent ): Mayor (1 office) Candidate Name Qualifying Address Telephone Email Website/Social Media Steve FERGUSON* Mobile: 613-827-7174 stevefergusonpec@kos.net Dianne O’BRIEN 965 County Rd 23 Home: 613-967-1479 Mobile: 613-242-0477 ob.dianne@gmail.com Facebook Twitter…
With the aim of increasing voter turnout in the upcoming municipal election (43.3% in 2018), we invited candidates for Mayor and Ward Councilor to share their thoughts on a wide range of issues with voters in the County once a week: Invitation 1 Invitation 2 Invitation 3 Invitation 4 Invitation 5 Invitation 6 Invitation 7…
RSVPs at a Glance
With the goal of increasing voter turnout in the upcoming municipal election over 2018 (43.3%), we invited candidates for Mayor and Ward Councilor in Prince Edward County to share their thoughts on a wide range of issues once a week. For the details, see: Invitations to Candidates Candidates’ Unredacted Responses Summaries of Candidates’ Responses Here’s…
Candidates’ Responses
Invitations With the aim of increasing voter turnout in the upcoming municipal election, candidates for Mayor and Ward Councilor in Prince Edward County were invited to share their thoughts on a wide range of issues once a week. Responses Check out candidates’ responses here on PEC.buzz or on Facebook: Office PEC.buzz Facebook Group Mayor County…